Visit WaterTank
In WaterTank, finalists of Stockholm Junior Water Prize can keep in touch with SJWP friends, seek advice from senior professionals to take their winning projects to the next level and build the skills needed to advance their careers. They can be inspired, find opportunities and read the latest water news.
We try to stay in touch with past participants and hear about their accomplishments since participating in the competition.
If you are an CSJWP Alumni or know of anyone who would like to share their story please have them contact us. We would love to hear from them.
e. marybeth @
Alumni CSJWP
Nous essayons de rester en contact avec les anciens participants et voulons entendre parler de leurs réalisations depuis leur participation à la compétition.
Si vous connaissez des personnes qui aimeraient partager leur histoire, merci de leur dire de nous contacter. Nous serions ravis de les entendre.
e. marybeth @